Monday, July 18, 2011

HP 7.2

I will be brief and relatively spoiler-free about the final chapter of the Harry Potter films. I saw the movie in IMAX 3D with several friends on opening day (7/15/11). Even though a new pair of contacts has seemed to remedy my consta-cry through 3D films, I still contest that 3D just doesn't do it for me. I think it is more trouble than the semi-cool effects are worth and I hate that I have to wear someone else's recycled glasses.  I believe I will attempt to see it again in 2D and bring Noah along this time. He hasn't seen a single one in theaters and this will be his last opportunity. I also want to revisit it myself because I know I was distracted by the violent urge to pee about 1/4 of the way in. That all being said, this film was fantastic!

I remembered enough from my two readings of the book to know that most of the action was going to take place in 7.2. The Gringotts break-in and the battle of Hogwarts did not disappoint. Our audience applauded only once, aside from at the end, and that was when Mrs. Weasley called Bellatrix Lestrange a bitch before ending her. So very awesome. Am I spoiling? Sorry.

Similar to when I read the book, I cringed at the ending when we flash forward 19 years. Daniel Radcliffe with 5 o'clock shadow? Rupert Grint with a bit of a beer belly? These things were awkward for me. Better than casting a different actor? Probably; but still very uncomfortable. I think in both literature and film I would have been satisfied with "happily ever after."

5/5 Whisks - an easy win because all they had to do was not murder the ending to an already epic story.

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